Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spike Culbertson Smith owen named it

Okay I been dreading this but Spikes Cage was getting kinda gross. I knew it had to get done since we have family coming in this weekend and next weekend too. But today was the perfect time to get it done since i have both kids in school. I even called my mother in law but she was very dissapointed she couldnt help lol. Lets just say she doesnt really care for those kinds of animals she's more a dog lover. But trying to get him in another cage is kinda scary kinda grosses you out. But i overcame my fear and got it all done and spikes alot happier. Thank goodness i only have to do it like once a month. If you asked me in HS if i would ever do something like this i would say no way thats gross but its crazy how things change. Owen loves Spike and i'm very suprised how well he does care for Spike and really takes care of him. He has really stepped up and taking the responsibilites to take care of his pet. Its very cute at night he even reads a good night story to spike lol.