Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Owen First Day of Kindergarten

Owen started kindergaten Aug 25 and i thought this day would never come. I mean i knew it would just not this fast. When he started preschool i cried after i dropped him off it was very hard i've been home with him most of the time he went to daycare for 5 months of his life and i couldnt take it anymore so i had to stay home with him. But when i dropped him off at kindergaten round up last spring i balled my eyes out and thought how am i going to do this when he actually starts. However i was very suprised i took him over where he needed to line up i told him i wouldnt give him a kiss or a hug to embarrass him and he ran over to give me a hug and kiss and he left and I never shed a tear. Well when he came home he told me his day was so long cause he missed me the whole time how sweet better enjoy it cause i know it wont last long. But over all i think he had a good time at school and will love it just like he loved preschool.


Unknown said...

Aww kids grow up so fast!

I make Nathan hug me every day, haha. He doesn't mind though.