Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cheyenne's First Day of Preschool

Yes the day has arrived and lil missy started her first day of preschool. Was it harder on her or harder on mommy well if you were asking Chey she would say mommy. After we dropped Owen at school we went home and she started to cry, cry and cry. I asked what the matter was and she eventually told me she would be missing her brother. I mentioned me or daddy and she said NO just my big brother. Well she calmed down after she had her bath and got to put her favorite dress on of course it had Dora on it. Then she was ready for school she didnt seem too nervous more excited. When i dropped her off she marched up the steps into the classroom and went to go play. As i was talking to her teacher she said mommy leave get out of here then Russchelle said thats your Que and i just smiled and was on my way. However once i got out to the van i realized she's not my baby anymore she's growing up so fast. But once i got home i realized it was so quiet and i didnt know what i was going to do with all this free time it was actually nice. Well after 3 hrs i went to go pick up our lil princess and she was so excited and had to show me everything she did for the day also she said can i come back tomorrow=) i told her no not till Friday and away she went so excited didnt even want to hold my hand she said i'm a big girl now. Will see as the week follows how well she likes school lol. Well i should close for now good night everyone