Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Day of School

Today Owen finished Kindergarten and the stuff animal he's holding was an award from the reading program he got. They have 4 classrooms 2 names from each class was drawn and can u believe it Owen was picked. Then his class received awards for certain things they've done well on or outstanding in a certain category. Our lil man received an outstanding artist award. When i've talked to his teacher she mentions how impressed she is over his art work. As she tells me she's amazed of his art ability. We wonder were his art ability comes from since chris and i have no art ability in our bones. However i have a sister that does really good in art and a grandma that was very good. In fact she was asked to teach art at the UNL but turned it down. What makes it really special he's name after one of my friends brothers who was extraordinary artist but was killed 13yrs ago so its just a little freaky. Kinda like the similarities of Chey and her special angel Melissa. But Owen did very well this year and as Mrs. Hendricks said he's more than ready for 1st grade =)