Thursday, March 19, 2009

Owen School Program

Tonight Owen had is Spring Program at School which was animal songs A-Z and they were suppose to dress up like an animal well we had trouble finding the outfit to match his ears and tail well then i lost his tail over the weekend oops. Thankfully Owen was VERY understanding telling me its okay cause then he would look like a gorilla and he didnt want to be that. I bought the set on Ebay which they called it a monkey. So he wanted to look like a spiffy mouse his words. So in this first picture he's acting out a monkey then on the way to the program he decided to be a mouse. He done very well however halfway through the program he wanted to cry since his daddy wasnt there. Its very hard for Chris to get away from work esp during the week and its hard for Owen to understand. I keep telling him we need to get a new camcorder so he and daddy can watch it on the weekends. After his BIG show we decided to go get ice cream which was really good eventhough it wasnt Schwans as Owen informed me. Then read stories which it wore Chey out cause half way through the story Chey fell asleep in mine and Owen's lap. The picture on the right was taken with his teacher Mrs. Hendricks before the show.