Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here we go again..........

No were not expecting i'm so glad i got that out of the way. This is about our sweet lil angel Chey. I knew something was wrong with her after she came back from VBS (vacation bible school) she seemed very moody and we go through that having a lil princess but by 8:00 there was blisters on her arms and wrists that were cracking and bleeding. This has happend before last Jan but this happend by being around hay and this was on her face. As most of you know it has been a fighting battle with her extremly bad excema since she was a month old. We have been to so many drs and they put us on different creams and its just gets so old and wish we could find something that would help. The dr we went today well she was more less saying I had contributed to this infection. I wanted to cry since i've never ever would want to harm her and i bathe her daily put on her one cream we use so the thought of harming her was crazy. But she was mentioning the new cream out and works great for excema but found out by the pharmist that this is a new one and he was really worried about Chey using it. He was so good today he found some other medicine that would stop some of the itching and Chey told him THIS NOT FAIR and he goes i know honey but i'm going to try to take good care of you =). So our plans of going to Ks is off we cant take Chey to too many new enviroments till this clears and we have to wait to see the allergy specialist to see if we can get stuff figured out. So i ask you all to keep us in your prayers esp our lil angel Chey. I know her special Angel Melissa is watching over her. I just get so frustrated when people out in the public say oh your daughter does she have a sunburn or does she have a disease or is she contagious grrrr. I know today we were at subway and this truck driver goes right up to her and said what did your mom make you roll on the cement your skin looks like you have a terrible rash =( thats suppose to be a mad look. I just needed to take some frustration out and this is a good way to do it. I just wish people would understand but they dont. They say those things and dont even think of what that person may feel after that comment. I know when that guy said that to her she started to cry and say mommy hold me. Our lil Chey has such a big heart and when she smiles she can brighten a room wherever she goes. She's a fighter and i'm so proud to say she's my daughter i wish i had that much strength like she does. Thank You for listening
The picture was taking last wednesday treating her to pizza after she finished her 1st yr of preschool!!!!!
Love you all

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Day of School

Today Owen finished Kindergarten and the stuff animal he's holding was an award from the reading program he got. They have 4 classrooms 2 names from each class was drawn and can u believe it Owen was picked. Then his class received awards for certain things they've done well on or outstanding in a certain category. Our lil man received an outstanding artist award. When i've talked to his teacher she mentions how impressed she is over his art work. As she tells me she's amazed of his art ability. We wonder were his art ability comes from since chris and i have no art ability in our bones. However i have a sister that does really good in art and a grandma that was very good. In fact she was asked to teach art at the UNL but turned it down. What makes it really special he's name after one of my friends brothers who was extraordinary artist but was killed 13yrs ago so its just a little freaky. Kinda like the similarities of Chey and her special angel Melissa. But Owen did very well this year and as Mrs. Hendricks said he's more than ready for 1st grade =)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Movie Night

On Sunday we decided to take the kids to Monsters vs Aliens. We had a good time as a family since we dont get that chance very often. We got our goodies the normal popcorn, pop, and taffy and sat down waiting and waiting and finally the movie started and chey whispers to me is the movie over yet i just had to giggle and say umm no it just started. I thought to myself oh boy this is going to be a long movie. But she did really well we had to go to the bathroom once and i only hopped to daddy and mine left a couple of times. The kids really liked it and Chris treated them to supper. Well most of us didnt care where to go but Owen had to go to McDonalds so Chris let him go there why we went to Runza. The things we do for our kids and the only reason why he wanted Mickey D's is cause of the monsters vs aliens toy grrr.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Owen School Program

Tonight Owen had is Spring Program at School which was animal songs A-Z and they were suppose to dress up like an animal well we had trouble finding the outfit to match his ears and tail well then i lost his tail over the weekend oops. Thankfully Owen was VERY understanding telling me its okay cause then he would look like a gorilla and he didnt want to be that. I bought the set on Ebay which they called it a monkey. So he wanted to look like a spiffy mouse his words. So in this first picture he's acting out a monkey then on the way to the program he decided to be a mouse. He done very well however halfway through the program he wanted to cry since his daddy wasnt there. Its very hard for Chris to get away from work esp during the week and its hard for Owen to understand. I keep telling him we need to get a new camcorder so he and daddy can watch it on the weekends. After his BIG show we decided to go get ice cream which was really good eventhough it wasnt Schwans as Owen informed me. Then read stories which it wore Chey out cause half way through the story Chey fell asleep in mine and Owen's lap. The picture on the right was taken with his teacher Mrs. Hendricks before the show.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I was tagged by my friend Cheri for this meme. Here are the rules:1. Go to your documents/pictures files.2. Go to the 6th file folder.3. Find the 6th picture.4. Blog about it.5. Tag 6 friends to do the same. (See a theme here?)This is a little harder to do on a Mac because pictures aren't saved in the same manner as a PC. So this one doesn't exactly follow the rules but its as close as I could get.
This was taken at Chey's uncle Matt's wedding and aunt Kimber is holding her. Yes i said aunt and uncle this is her family her middle name is melissa who happens to be their sister who passed away several yrs ago and cheys daddy and melissa were really good friends.

1. Sarah






Sunday, January 18, 2009

The lil Actor

Owen was so great in his shows yesterday however by the last one he was very tired. The first show my sister and nieces,grandma ashley, Tess and Shawn, Daddy, Chey and I all came to watch Owen's first show. Then Grandma Ashley treated Owen to supper to celebrate which he chose McDonalds he was pretty thrilled i think Daddy and Iwould of chose something different but then again it was Owens Day. Then we dropped Daddy and Chey off cause daddy wasnt feeling too well and figured Chey couldnt handle another show. So grandma, Owen, and I headed to the school for one last show. When he got there he wanted a picture with his two cast directors who he found very cute lol. While he was doing the last show he was very tired and afterwards very cranky he wanted to go to the casting party however with a bunch of hs kids didnt think it would be very fun and thought he would be fast asleep. Needless to say he was very upset with me but went fast to sleep. He told me this morning he said he had so much fun and would love to do it again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Starring Derek Owen Smith.............

As a parent you have those moments that you are so proud of your child and brag until your blue in the face well today is the day. They had a missoula childrens play thats here once a yr. I thought it would be a great oppertunity for Owen. For you ones that know Chris he's so much like his dad doesnt know a stranger but he just scared and doesnt think he can do anything. Well i told him if you try it i wont bother you about it again. I want him to get out there and get involved since i never did and regret missing out on so much. As Chey and i waited waited 2 hrs which seems alot longer with a 4 yr old i had stuff for her to do but she was getting real tired toward the end but she did real well though. The parts were being called not thinking he made it cause there was 130 kids ranging from age 5-18 and could only pick 60 children most of them been there before so when i told chey lets get our stuff and they yelled Owen Smith with all the parents surrounding me i couldnt see his face of exciment. When they dismissed the kids i was trying to find him and it was crazy you know that feeling your trying to get to him and its slow motion and you cant get to him fast enough. Well he was pretty excited and said he had so much fun and he said mom thank you which my heart melted. The play is going to be this saturday and Owen will be playing a dust bunny. I'm going to be a mom that takes lots of pics is that terrible. Now i'm not that person that is a crazy stage mom he's always told me dont be watching me cause it makes me nervous so somehow i just sit there and dont motion or tell him what to do and he does great which i already knew that but its so nice to hear that from other people. Okay i will stop talking i just starting typing away and couldnt stop so dont be mad lol =)

It only took how many hrs...........

Okay i found out i need to go back to school and take computer classes lol. I was trying to change my background and all that stuff. I ended up taking a break just so i could maybe come back and figure it out lol. But i think i've figured it out so it will be so much easier next time. I knew it i done it before i could do it again crazy. Well i will stop babbling on and on.