Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Owen

As some of you saw yesterday that i wrote about my grandma passing away 6 yrs ago on friday. Well Owen decided he needed to come out the next day. So the cramps i was feeling i was already in labor and didnt realize it. At noon i decided to go to the hospital cause my dr office was closed over noon hr so they said just go up there and see whats going. We arrived thinking chris would go back to work and come back around 11pm think i would probably go slow since it was our first one. Oh no when we arrived i was already 9cin along. I waited till then to let my mom know. Well she was 5 hrs away and her place was dealing with my grandmas death and she promised she would leave right after the funeral the next day. I told chris i wanted to go to church sat cause i wouldnt be able to go to the funeral well he went and found a priest during my labor yeah that was nice but the timming wasnt right lol. I had such horrible leg cramps and got medicine for that which it didnt help. I was in labor 5 hrs and pushed for an hr. Chris kept saying push i pulled him closer and said I AM. Okay if you dont know Chris he's a very big guy and its sorta funny. Well at 4:45 Derek Owen Smith was born 5lbs 1oz. and 20 inches long. Well he was 5 weeks early i'm so glad i didnt go full term he would of been a big baby. His lungs werent quite developed. I got to hold him for a second then they took him away. Later when i walked down there he was hooked to some machines but nothing like my nieces. He was sleeping and the nurse was telling me how stubborn he already was and i just giggled once i done that he opened his eyes and it was so weird i started to cry then cause i knew he knew his mommy was there. My inlaws made it after he was born and they were alot help just being there was real nice. On saturday i got to hold him for the first time it was so wonderful. Then my folks came on sunday and got me out of the hospital it was weird cause i was leaving Owen behind. Once we got back Chris got to hold him then a very special time. After a long monday waiting and waiting for the drs we got to go home. My folks stayed with us the whole week it was real nice and lot of help for first time parents lol.


Anonymous said...

I hope he had a good day!

smithtimes4 said...

yes he did he scored 2 pts for his soccer team. Then went to kfc and had cake with presents he mainly got Incredible Hulk stuff which thats what he wanted =) thanks